Conturkortet™ – a unique offer for our loyal customers
For those planning multiple treatments/purchases

Ask about the Contur card at your visit! Returning customers have access to the Contur card, where you get a 15% discount on every sixth treatment or purchase of at least 2000 SEK.
Conturkortet™ is valid for:
- Aesthetic treatments
- Injection treatments
- Laser treatments
- Medical skincare products
Valid for regular price. One stamp per occasion/visit.

Funding for your surgery
Your financial situation is unique to you, but whatever it is, we want to offer sustainable solutions so that you can have the procedures or treatments you want. At Conturkliniken®, we work closely with Human Finans and Medical Finance, who offer you favourable conditions for financing.

Book your appointment now!
Here you can book an appointment for a consultation with a doctor or nurse. You can also book an appointment for injection treatment and a return visit to the nurse.