Customer service enquiries

Where is Conturkliniken?
Can I choose an instalment plan?
How to book an appointment?
Can several treatments be done at the same time?
Can you sleep over?
Are you wondering about something?

Our clinic is located in Östermalm in Stockholm, the address is Kommendörsgatan 16. If you need help finding us, you are welcome to contact us by email or phone. Conturklinikens's Dr Richard Rylander also has reception in Visby.
Conturkliniken has a close and established co-operation with Human Finans and Medical Finance. They can offer you favourable conditions for partial payment.
It is easy to make an appointment for a consultation at Conturkliniken. You choose whether you want to talk to a doctor or a nurse. You can book an appointment for injection treatment or a return visit with a nurse directly online.
We offer combination treatments in a unique concept – Conturmetoden. It saves time, money and shortens healing times.
Yes, in the case of surgical procedures, it is possible to stay overnight. In many cases this is recommended.
Vi på Conturkliniken vill informera dig om att vår verksamhet avslutades den 31 december 2024.
Fr.o.m. 8 januari 2025 är ni välkomna att handla era hudvårdsprodukter hos Skinmedical på Kommendörsgatan 15.
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