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Att tänka på efter ögonlocksplastik
Genom att ta reda på vad man kan tänka på före och efter ett ingrepp som ögonlocksplastik bidrar du till ett så positivt resultat som möjligt.
Ögonlocksplastik med laser
Ögonen har stor betydelse för utseendet. Samtidigt är det ofta just här som de första ålderstecknen brukar visa sig. På den här sidan går vi igenom fördelarna och effekterna av vår populära behandlingsform ögonplastik med laser.
Operera hängande ögonlock
Har du mycket hängande hud runt ögonen och undrar över om det går att operera? Du kanske upplever att det får dig att ge ett trött intryck på din omvärld. I takt med stigande ålder förlorar huden över hela kroppen sin elasticitet. Dessutom förlorar man underhudsfett. Båda dessa faktorer påverkar att man kan uppleva en överskottshud i ansiktet. Särskilt besvärande kan huden runt ögonen vara. Conturkliniken erbjuder olika typer av kirurgiska ingrepp som kan hjälpa dig.
Ageing of the face
How we age and the rate at which signs of ageing appear is individual. Both hereditary factors and lifestyle play a role. In recent years, developments in aesthetic surgery, laser surgery, laser treatments and aesthetic medicine have made it possible to provide total rejuvenation through a combination of procedures.
When can I exercise after fillers?
Exercise, physical strain on the body and excessive sweating can increase the risk of infection. Exercise also increases swelling. As fillers are degradable in the body and are affected by blood circulation, there is also a lower risk of bruising.
Can I sunbathe after fillers?
The UV light and heat can cause more swelling and inflammation if the skin is exposed, and should therefore be avoided in the immediate aftermath - this also applies to solariums. There are other things to consider, such as exercise, make-up and alcohol, which should be avoided after having fillers.
Do you need painkillers or anaesthesia before treatment?
All people have different pain thresholds and experience and react differently to pain. If you are having a filler treatment, you can choose whether you want to have some local anaesthetic during the treatment. There are also some painkillers that you should avoid when doing an injection treatment.
When do you see the results of a filler treatment?
Once you have had an injection treatment with fillers, the results are immediately visible. However, there may be some swelling that settles after a while. The final effect is usually visible after a few weeks.
Can anyone do fillers and botox?
In principle, anyone can have a treatment with fillers or botox. It is very rare to be allergic to botox or the substances contained in fillers. However, there are times when you should not do injection treatments, and people who should avoid this type of treatment.
What should I consider after an injection treatment with fillers?
There are some things you need to consider after an injection treatment with fillers. If you follow the advice, the risk of swelling and infection is reduced and the results are as good as possible. The final result is not visible immediately but after about a week.
How long do fillers last?
Fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which is naturally present in the body, and can therefore also be broken down by the body over time. How long fillers last is individual and varies from person to person. The results usually last 4-12 months, but sometimes the results last longer than that.
Is botox permanent - how long does botox last?
Botox itself stays under the skin for about 24 hours and then disappears. Botox has a muscle-relaxing effect, breaks down quickly in the body, and is therefore not permanent. The effect, on the other hand, is more long-lasting but disappears gradually over time.
Do I see the effects of botox immediately and what do I need to consider after botox treatment?
Immediately after a botox treatment, no results are visible. The effect of injecting botox starts to appear only 3-5 days after the treatment. The full effect takes about 2 weeks. After a botox treatment, there are some things that can be good to think about. This is to ensure that the result is as good as possible.
What do I look like after a botox treatment?
Botox is used both for wrinkles and for sweating. The result is always individual and depends on your particular circumstances. The amount used also has an impact. The treatment area sometimes becomes slightly red and flushed. This usually disappears within an hour.
What do I look like after my treatment and can I get swelling after fillers?
It is relatively common and completely harmless to have some swelling and bruising after a treatment. The area may become red and swollen after the needle puncture. You will see the final result after about two weeks.
What do I need to consider before fillers or botox?
Here are a few things that can help you prepare for your treatment so that you feel as safe and comfortable as possible. Some things can increase the risk of bruising, which is bleeding on the skin, as they make you more prone to bleeding.
What do fillers contain?
Fillers containing hyaluronic acid are one of the most common types of fillers and are very popular. This type of filler has been used for over 20 years. Hyaluronic acid can bind a thousand times its own weight in water and is naturally present in the body.
How much filler or botox do I need?
We always do a consultation before performing aesthetic injections where we go through the result you as a customer are looking for and the amount of filler or botox that may be suitable. Regardless of the amount of filler or botox you decide on, the result is not permanent.
What does the new law on injection therapies mean?
The new law means, among other things, that only licensed doctors, nurses and dentists can perform injections with fillers and botox. Before each treatment, the customer must also undergo a consultation and a reflection period; you can read more about this here.
How do you get rid of double chin?
Many people are annoyed by the fat under the chin and on the neck. It is an area that is difficult to work on with the help of exercise and diet, and even if you have a well-trained body in general, the double chin can get stuck. This is where we at Conturkliniken® come in - the double chin is easy to get rid of surgically!
How long should you tape your nose after a nose job?
. Immediately after the procedure, the nose is plastered - a plaster that must remain in place for about a week. It is after the plaster has been removed that the tip of the nose needs to be taped at night for 3-4 weeks.
How long does breast enlargement take?
Breast enlargement is performed under general anaesthesia. The whole operation takes about 1 hour, but you are recommended to stay for at least 4 hours afterwards. The recovery time is longer, so although the procedure is quick, you will have to adapt your life for a longer period of time.
How long should I wear a support bra after breast augmentation?
All people react differently to operations and procedures. This means that recovery time varies. For the first four weeks, the support bra needs to be worn around the clock. After that, you will have to wear it during the daytime for another four weeks - but then you can sleep without it.
How does breast surgery work?
Vi erbjuder en mängd olika varianter av bröstoperation, som alla har olika tillvägagångssätt. Det finns vissa gemensamma nämnare kring proceduren – vad som händer efter operationen exempelvis. Man får stygn och tejp, området bli svullet och du får blåmärken.
Why should you wear a girdle after abdominoplasty?
It is important that you do not remove the girdle, because underneath it there is wide tape that holds the surgical wound together. The function of the girdle is to prevent the body from building up fluid between the skin and the abdominal muscles. If the fluid builds up, it needs to be drained to allow the tissue to heal.
Why not exercise after fillers?
The reason is that it can lead to swelling. In addition to not exercising immediately after fillers, there are a number of other things you may not have considered.
What is abdominoplasty?
Abdominoplasty is a very popular plastic surgery procedure. The aim is to remove excess skin from the abdomen, but also to tighten the muscles. It is possible to perform liposuction in combination with the abdominoplasty, but experience has shown that the results are better if you wait a while.
What is gynaecomastia?
Gynaecomastia means that the mammary gland tissue in men or boys is increased - and has caused an enlargement of one or two breasts. The word comes from the Greek gyne (woman) and mastos (breast). Common causes are increased fat accumulation, hormonal imbalance or medication.
What is chemical peeling?
Chemical peeling is actually not the name of one treatment - but several! It is simply an umbrella term for many different treatments. By applying acids to the skin, it gives it a little lift by removing the outermost layer and stimulating the formation of new skin cells.
What is medical skin care?
Medicinsk hudvård är en avancerad typ av hudvård. Produkterna innehåller ingredienser som är vetenskapligt dokumenterat effektiva. Du får noggrann konsultation av specialistsjuksköterska inna behandlingen kan inledas.
What is a facelift?
A facelift is the same procedure that is sometimes referred to as a facelift. It is often very effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging, loose skin on the face. The surgeon makes thin incisions to stretch the skin, removes excess skin and then sews the incisions together.
What is plastic surgery?
The word plastic surgery does not refer to "plastic" as in something fake or synthetic, but comes from the Greek word plastikos, meaning to mould or create. Reconstructive plastic surgery is often performed in the public sector, while aesthetic plastic surgery is mainly performed in the private sector.
What is rosacea and can it be treated?
Rosacea is a skin disease that causes rashes and redness on the face. Some people also have problems with their eyes. It is all due to an inflammation of the skin on the face, but it is not known for sure why it occurs. There are creams that treat the part of the rosacea caused by acne, and IPL can treat the vessels.
What can I do about my wrinkled neck?
It depends on the cause of the wrinkles and your wishes! We have several effective methods, different options can be: Medical skin care treatment, Laser treatment or Surgical lift. It is also possible to improve the quality of the skin with medical skin care treatment in combination with chemical peeling.
How do you feel after liposuction?
There may be some soreness in the treated area - similar to a more severe exercise pain - but it is very rare to feel any direct pain. Bruising of the treated area is very common. Depending on the extent of the procedure, you may need to stay overnight.
Can I liposuction my thighs?
Yes, the thighs are a common and easy place to perform liposuction. We at Conturkliniken® offer liposuction of the thighs - both inside and outside. Liposuction of the thighs is a relatively uncomplicated procedure, and one of the most common.
Can you liposuction your chin?
Yes - it can be done. Are you interested in liposuction but know that you have a lot of loose skin under your chin? Then perhaps liposuction combined with a neck lift is something for you? Then you also stretch the skin and remove what is hanging.
Can you do liposuction on calves?
Yes, it is! If the problem is due to local fat on the calf, liposuction can be used to reduce the size of the calf. However, the reason for large calves is not necessarily fat, but can also be due to muscle, lipoedema or lymphoedema.
Is forehead lift or eyelid surgery best?
Here we look at the differences between two popular procedures - brow lifts and eyelid surgery. Which is best depends on your anatomy. For some people, the problem is not the excess skin on the eyelids, but the loss of elasticity in the eyebrows, which causes them to droop.
How does an eyebrow lift work?
The lift involves raising the eyebrows by stretching the skin on the forehead. The procedure involves making 3-5 small incisions in the scalp using a pinhole technique, so you don't have to worry about embarrassing scars or impact on hair growth. It's a day surgery procedure that takes about one hour, and you can go home afterwards.
Can I do a forehead lift without anaesthesia
Yes and no. In principle, all procedures can be performed under local anaesthesia. Although it is possible, it is usually better from the point of view of both the patient and the surgeon if the patient is anaesthetised - it is a light anaesthesia that does not require an overnight stay.
What is an endoscopic eyebrow lift?
An endoscopic eyebrow lift, or brow lift as it is also known, is a surgical procedure that removes wrinkles while lifting your sagging eyebrows. A brow lift stretches the tissue and skin of the forehead, which also affects the wrinkles between the eyebrows, and lifts heavy eyebrows.
How does a Botox eyebrow lift work?
A Botox brow lift is performed by injecting specific points just below the eyebrow. Botox has a muscle relaxant effect, which relaxes the muscles of the forehead and smoothes the wrinkles. You can get a lift through the outer part of the eyebrows, but also by focusing on the more central parts.
What is an endoscopic forehead lift?
An endoscopic brow lift, or endoscopic brow lift as it is also known, involves surgically lifting the eyebrows and forehead. The endoscopic brow lift is less invasive than many other procedures and does not cause problems with visible scars.
Botox in the forehead
Reduce forehead wrinkles with one of the most widely used and proven solutions - botox. Botox causes a slight paralysis of the muscle and makes the wrinkles not appear as before. The procedure is proven and safe if done by a skilled practitioner.
Hyaluronic acid lips
Do you want fuller, more youthful lips and a more beautiful smile? People all over the world are choosing hyaluronic acid filler treatments. It is a simple method that gives a natural result and is not permanent. Together with the proven experience, this becomes a safe option.
Sun-damaged skin
When we spend time in the sun, the first effect is usually a tan. A sunburn is in fact a first degree burn. Long-term sun damage such as age spots, wrinkles and other disfiguring marks can be largely repaired with medical skincare, chemical peels, lasers, botox or fillers.
Treatment to remove pimples
Are you bothered by pimples? You are not alone. You don't have to be a teenager to be affected - pimples can occur for a variety of reasons. But did you know that there is an effective treatment for those who are fed up and actually want to get rid of pimples?
How can I look younger on my face?
We can help you look younger with our various facial treatments, combination treatments and surgeries such as facelifts. With Conturmetoden, we make a comprehensive assessment of the signs of ageing, with various personalised combination treatments, depending on where you are on the age ladder.
Breast enlargement in front or behind the muscle?
Placing the implant with the upper part behind the pectoral muscle and the lower part in front of the pectoral muscle creates a natural transition that prevents the shape of the breast from falling too far. However, there may be reasons to place the breast implant in front of the muscle instead of behind - read more here!
Breast enlargement before or after pregnancy?
The answer to this question varies from person to person, as everyone's body is different. Research shows that the change many people experience in their breasts, that they feel they have lost some of their elasticity, is not due to breastfeeding but to the pregnancy itself.
How often should breast implants be changed?
How often you should replace your breast implants depends on the type of implant you have. We use high quality implants that are generally not replaced. If you experience changes, you should consult your doctor or clinic.
Breast enlargement in Sweden vs abroad
If you choose to perform the procedure abroad, you may get a cheaper price in the short term, but often the procedure can be more expensive in the long run. With us, you are guaranteed access to follow-up and counselling for several years after breast surgery, and in case of complications you are guaranteed a favourable price within 5 years.
Ultherapy vs HIFU
We have a machine called Ulthera, which is approved by the highest regulatory body in the US. It's very effective, unlike the cheaper Hifu, a machine that doesn't have a screen where you can see the exact depth of the treatment.
What is IPL?
IPL is a further development of laser technology. It stands for Intense Pulse Light and has significant differences compared to laser. The technology can be used to treat the skin and reduce pigmentation, large pores, old scars or sun-damaged skin.