Medical skin care

Man applying creams from a skin care programme.
Aesthetic treatments Surgical procedures

What is medical skin care?

Medicinsk hudvård är en avancerad typ av hudvård. Produkterna innehåller ingredienser som är vetenskapligt dokumenterat effektiva. Du får noggrann konsultation av specialistsjuksköterska inna behandlingen kan inledas.

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What is rosacea and can it be treated?

Rosacea is a skin disease that causes rashes and redness on the face. Some people also have problems with their eyes. It is all due to an inflammation of the skin on the face, but it is not known for sure why it occurs. There are creams that treat the part of the rosacea caused by acne, and IPL can treat the vessels.

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What can I do about my wrinkled neck?

It depends on the cause of the wrinkles and your wishes! We have several effective methods, different options can be: Medical skin care treatment, Laser treatment or Surgical lift. It is also possible to improve the quality of the skin with medical skin care treatment in combination with chemical peeling.

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Sun-damaged skin

When we spend time in the sun, the first effect is usually a tan. A sunburn is in fact a first degree burn. Long-term sun damage such as age spots, wrinkles and other disfiguring marks can be largely repaired with medical skincare, chemical peels, lasers, botox or fillers.

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Treatment to remove pimples

Are you bothered by pimples? You are not alone. You don't have to be a teenager to be affected - pimples can occur for a variety of reasons. But did you know that there is an effective treatment for those who are fed up and actually want to get rid of pimples?

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How can I look younger on my face?

We can help you look younger with our various facial treatments, combination treatments and surgeries such as facelifts. With Conturmetoden, we make a comprehensive assessment of the signs of ageing, with various personalised combination treatments, depending on where you are on the age ladder.

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