Botox in the forehead

Minska rynkorna i pannan med en av de mest använda och beprövade lösningarna – botox. Med åren framträder rynkor i pannan på oss alla. Många tycker att de ser trötta ut och drömmer om ett naturligt resultat som trollar bort rynkorna. Botox är en effektiv och säker metod – som ger ett naturligt resultat.

Brief facts about botox
- Botox Botox stands for botulinum toxin and is a powerful and effective tool in the fight against wrinkles.
- It is authorised as a medicine and has been used for many years.
- Botox causes a slight paralysis of the muscle and makes the wrinkles not appear as before.
- The method is proven and safe if done by a skilled practitioner.
Reducing forehead wrinkles with botox
We at Conturkliniken® offer botox treatments that reduce wrinkles in the forehead. We are experts in aesthetic treatments and have a long and solid experience of botox treatments.
This is how we treat forehead wrinkles with botox.
Botox provides natural results and is a safe treatment.
Med en liten nål injiceras botox With a small needle, Botox is injected superficially in the forehead, in several places if that is what we have agreed upon. We do not usually anaesthetise the area before the injection, it is not necessary. There is some stinging from the needle and the area may tighten when Botox is injected, but the discomfort is usually minor and temporary. Some people find it more painful, but you can go back to work immediately afterwards.
You are always offered a free return visit for a touch-up if you are not satisfied with the results. The result can last up to two weeks, and lasts for 3-6 months.

Välj botox mot rynkor i pannan
Contact us for a consultation to discuss your wishes and expectations. By choosing an experienced expert, you can expect a professional and knowledgeable approach and an understanding of your vision.
See our before and after pictures
A result of our botox treatments