Breast enlargement in front or behind the muscle?

Det finns många fördelar med att placera bröstimplantatet delvis bakom stora bröstmuskeln. Här kan du läsa mer om vad vi rekommenderar.

By placing the breast implant with the upper part behind the pectoral muscle and the lower part of the implant in front of the pectoral muscle, a natural transition is created and the shape of the breast is not too far down. Simply put, you get a great looking décolletage.
However, there may be reasons to place the breast implant in front of the muscle instead of behind it. One such reason may be that you want to correct a slightly sagging bust (up to 2 cm of sagging can be corrected in this way), but without performing an actual breast lift. By placing the implant in front of the muscle, the breast is lifted a few centimetres and the perceived sagging can then be corrected.
Exakt hur bröstimplantaten ska placeras är alltid något som bestäms genom en noggrann konsultation av patient och läkare i samråd. Vi pratar gärna mer om dina förutsättningar och besvarar alla dina frågor på en konsultation.