How much filler or botox do I need?
The amount of fillers or botox needed is always individual. It depends, for example, on how
- the area to be treated looks like
- what result you as a customer are looking for.
We always do a consultation before performing aesthetic injections. There we go through the result you as a customer are striving for and you get advice on, for example, the amount of filler or botox that may be suitable. You have the opportunity to ask all your questions and you also get a price proposal from us.
You are welcome to book an appointment for a consultation with us!
Do I need more fillers and botox afterwards?
Whatever amount of filler or botox you decide on, the results are not permanent. If you want to continue to have the same results for a longer period of time, you need to top up after some time. The time varies depending on whether you have had filler or botox and is always individual.
Here you can read more about how long the effects of Botox last.
See results from previous customers' treatment with fillers and botox
Would you like to see results from some of our satisfied customers who have had aesthetic injection treatments with us? Here you can see before and after pictures.
Contact us
If you want to contact us or book a consultation with one of our expert doctors or nurses? We will help you determine the right amount of botox or fillers for you and the results you want to achieve.