How often should breast implants be changed?
Hur ofta man bör byta ut sina bröstimplantat beror på vilken typ av implantat man har. Vi använder implantat av hög kvalitet som i regel inte byts ut.
At Conturkliniken® we only use the leading brands of breast implants available on the market today - Mentor and Motiva.
These types of so-called gelatinous implants have the potential to last a long time in the body. The most common reason for changing implants is that the body and breasts have changed shape after, for example, pregnancy/breastfeeding or weight gain/loss, which means that the implant you initially chose does not fit as well anymore.
The most important thing is to feel how your breasts and inserts feel. If, for example, you notice changes or that one breast feels harder than the other or swells, you should consult your doctor or clinic.
Det är också viktigt att man går på de mammografikontroller som man under livet blir kallad till, man ska bara komma ihåg att meddela att man har bröstimplantat så vet dom hur man ska göra.