Conturkliniken's information on the Coronavirus
Regarding COVID-19, we are closely monitoring developments and following government guidelines to best protect our customers/patients and staff.
You will meet healthy staff at the clinic. At the slightest suspicion of infection, the staff stays at home. If you as a patient have been exposed to the coronavirus, you should visit us at the clinic at the earliest 48 hours after you are completely symptom-free.
If exposure is suspected, wait 2 weeks to visit us, even if you are asymptomatic.
- An operation in itself does not increase the risk of contracting Corona infection, if you are otherwise healthy.
- Some follow-up after surgery can be followed up by phone and email to reduce the number of visits to the clinic at this time.
- Final checks after surgery are currently being postponed for the same reason, until the risk of spreading the coronavirus is over.
- Conturkliniken®, as a surgical clinic, has high requirements regarding sterility and hygiene.
We already have well-established procedures, which have now been further tightened to adapt to the current situation with the Coronavirus.