What is BRIMP and why should I join it?

BRIMP is a national quality register with the aim of improving care for patients with breast implants. The goal is to improve patient safety, monitor the results of care and provide a source for research, as well as ensure that there is equivalent care throughout the country.

Woman planning to get a breast implant. Doctor showing breast implant to female patient. Silicone implants for breast augmentation in a clinic. Cosmetic surgery.

This will be registered

In connection with a breast implant operation, you will be asked about your participation in BRIMP. In connection with your surgery, your healthcare provider will answer a number of questions regarding the reason for your surgery, your weight and height, your age and specific details about your implants and your surgery. Should you need to have a reoperation, questions regarding the reason for it and the measures will be answered. If new implants are used, these are also registered.

choosing the size of breast implants for breast surgery

Patient benefits

The breast implant register BRIMP has many advantages for you as a patient:

  • to ensure that unexpected complications in connection with breast implants are detected early
  • to get a better understanding of how breast implants affect your breast shape in a longer time perspective
  • to increase knowledge about your satisfaction with breast implants in a longer time perspective
  • to evaluate whether breast implants cause pain in your breasts
  • to increase knowledge about and when breast implants should be changed


How is the information handled in the register? It is a valid question. The information in BRIMP is handled with the same confidentiality as your regular medical records. This means that your data is blocked for access by others than your healthcare providers and that you can find out who has had access to your data.

You have the right to receive information about your registered data in BRIMP. Your doctor who works with your medical records has direct access to search in BRIMP. The data in BRIMP is saved to systematically develop and secure care. In the future, the data in BRIMP may need to be used for research. This is only possible after review and approval by an ethical review board for each specific application for a research subject in connection with breast implants.

If you do not want to participate in this quality register, you can withdraw your participation at any time. All possible information about you is then removed from BRIMP and no new ones are entered. All information about you is confidential and handled in accordance with current legislation PUL (Personal Data Act 1998:204) and in accordance with the Patient Data Act (2008:355) If you want to read more about BRIMP, you can visit their website, www.brimp.se.