This is how a fat transplant / fat injection works

Operating lights

1. Consultation and planning before fat transplantation / fat injection

When you come to us for the first time, you will meet a doctor and/or nurse to be able to ask all questions, air any concerns and adjust your expectations. The most important thing for us is that you feel safe and have full confidence in us.

Dr Gunnar Göransson with patient. Consultation before a facial treatment.

You are carefully informed that the fat injection may have to be done in two stages. The price is fixed from the beginning so there will be no unpleasant surprises. During the consultation, you will also see pictures of the results of similar procedures done here at Conturkliniken® in Stockholm.

Before some of our treatments, we can also show computer-simulated illustrations of the supposed treatment result. The method has been used since 2000 at the clinic so we can show you long-term results. If you decide on an operation (treatment), we plan it together and at the same time put together a plan for how and in what order your signs of aging should be treated, and how the result should be maintained. Everything to make you as satisfied as possible.

2. Preparations for fat transplantation / fat injection

You will receive specific instructions on how to prepare for the fat transplant - what to eat and drink, rules for smoking and the use of vitamins, medicines and other preparations. The day before the operation, we have telephone contact for a final review of what will happen on the day of the operation.

3. The procedure itself

The procedure is performed in a combination of general anesthesia and local anesthesia. The body's own fat is removed with a special cannula. In principle, you can take fat where it is, but the most common is the stomach, inner thighs or knees. The fat is purified so that only pure fat remains for the injection, which takes place with specially made thin needles. By integrating it into existing tissue in small amounts, the injected fat gets a blood supply and survives. This is the secret behind the great results.

There may be two small stitches where the injection was placed. They leave no scars and after a week we remove them on a return visit. Regarding convalescence time, what you should avoid for a while after the procedure, etc., we will go over it individually with you when we meet.

Surgeons perform surgery at Conturkliniken.
skin care adapted for older women

4. The time after a fat transplant / fat injection

Follow-up takes place at the clinic 3–4 months after the operation. Images are then taken that are compared with images before the operation to see the result.

Especially with fat transplantation, it is not uncommon for an additional treatment to be performed. Everything to get the best possible result and not risk side effects. You can of course contact us at any time if you have questions or concerns.