About the treatment: Ultherapy step by step

1. Consultation and planning

When you come to us for the first time, you will meet a doctor and/or nurse to be able to ask all questions, air any concerns and adjust your expectations. The most important thing for us is that you feel safe and have full confidence in us. During the consultation, you will also see pictures of the results of similar procedures that have been done here at Conturkliniken® in Stockholm. Before some of our treatments, we can also show computer-simulated illustrations of the supposed treatment result.
If you decide on a treatment, we plan it together and at the same time put together a plan for how and in what order your signs of aging should be treated and how the result should be maintained. Everything to make you as satisfied as possible.
2. The treatment itself
Similar to other ultrasounds, a smooth applicator is placed on the skin, on a screen your doctor sees an image that allows him to know exactly where the energy will be sent. The same applicator is then used to deliver low levels of focused heat at just the right depth under the skin to achieve a positive effect, while leaving the surface of the skin completely unaffected.
The effect in the skin is that the energy stimulates the growth of new collagen. A gradual tightening and tightening occurs, resulting in a natural lifting of the skin over time. There may be some discomfort when the energy is delivered to the skin. This discomfort is only temporary and a sign that the collagen building process has begun. In order for the treatment to be a positive experience, you will receive painkillers and sedative tablets one hour before the treatment.

3. The time after
There is no recovery after the treatment, the result is natural and no one can see that you have had a treatment. Follow-up is done at the clinic after 4 – 12 months. Images are taken and compared with pre-treatment images to see the final result.
Of course you can contact us anytime if you have any questions or concerns.