We have extensive experience in treating different types of skin problems with medical skin care.

Skin treatments at Conturkliniken®
At Conturkliniken we have extensive experience in treating different types of skin problems and performing skin care treatments, both in the form of spot treatments but also as comprehensive skin treatments with medical skin care. We take care of your skin in the form of skin care treatments concentrated on the face, as well as the skin on the rest of the body.
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Are you considering an aesthetic or skin treatment?
Nice to not have to wear make-up to feel fresh! I had dull, rough skin with uneven colour, scars and some acne that wouldn't go away. To feel fresh, I had to put on foundation every day. I decided to seek help and contacted Conturkliniken®.

Treatments for different skin problems
Whether you are looking for a treatment for skin problems such as acne or acne scars, a treatment for rosacea or perhaps a general facial rejuvenation through facial rejuvenation, we at Conturkliniken are well placed to help you.
Skincare routines and facials are linked in many ways, and with us you will always have an initial consultation that will guide the rest of your treatment. All skin types are individual and therefore all our skincare and aesthetic treatments are of course also individual.
Personalised skin care and treatment
We work according to Conturmetoden, which means that we combine different methods both in the form of a medical skin care programme, and also in terms of any other skin treatments, to produce a completely and individually adapted skin treatment according to your conditions. This approach gives in most cases a superior result, with less contrast after the procedure and a shorter convalescence time, as well as lower overall costs.
For us, Conturmetoden is not only about the procedure or skin treatment itself, but also about giving each patient a personalised care throughout the treatment - where the follow-up is an important part for you, but also very much for us.