This is how a chemical peel works

1. Consultation and planning

When you come to us for the first time, you get a thorough consultation where we plan the treatment that is most suitable for what bothers you. Depending on the problems to be treated and desired results, the type of peeling that is most suitable is then chosen. You can meet a doctor and/or nurse to be able to ask all questions, air any concerns and adjust your expectations.

The most important thing for us is that you feel safe and have full confidence in us. During the consultation, you will also see pictures of the results of similar procedures that have been done here at Conturkliniken® in Stockholm.

If you decide on a treatment, we plan it together and at the same time draw up a plan for how and in what order your problems should be treated and how the results should be maintained. Everything to make you as satisfied as possible.

2. Preparations

You will receive specific instructions on how to prepare for the peel. Some peeling treatments get the best results if you treat the skin with medicated creams a few weeks before, some are excellent to use as a start to a treatment. No other preparations are required.

3. The procedure itself

It varies depending on which peeling is to be performed. In the case of simpler peeling, the treatment is carried out without any preparation. The skin is cleaned thoroughly (fat and dirt can prevent the peeling from penetrating the skin). The treatment takes 45–60 min and you can leave the reception afterwards without any problems. At Bluepeel, you receive a light anesthetic and wake up peacefully in our recovery department. After a good coffee, you can go home.

4. The time after

Depending on the type of chemical peel, the skin peels anywhere from 2-3 days up to a week. New fine skin has formed underneath. It is important not to pull off the skin flakes, they come off by themselves when new skin is ready underneath. You get a special cream that you lubricate the skin with.

You have several return visits where we give you advice and instructions on how to take care of the new beautiful skin. After a chemical peel, it is important to avoid the sun. You must always use a strong sun protection factor for the first months afterwards.

facial treatment with chemical peeling

Book an appointment with us

You are most welcome to contact us at Conturkliniken® in Stockholm for a personal consultation. We will tell you in more detail how the process works with us and how we can help you in particular.

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